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Post-Covid Clinic Arrangements

Alexandra O'Connor

As the country slowly comes out of Lockdown, so do I. But my clinic will be run in a slightly different way now to offer the most effective service and the safest way to practice.

The Consultation

In my new post-covid clinic, I will no longer be able to hold long, chatty consultations in clinic - so I will hold them virtually instead!

In the 24-48hrs before your acupuncture appointment, we will have an online consultation to discuss anything about the week you have had or the talk about week you have coming up; we can discuss any new blood results or your general progress, and talk about how you are coping emotionally. If you have an updated BBT or any blood results, it would be great if you could get these to me before this consultation.

When you book your virtual consultation, you will get a link to the booking options for the acupuncture appointment and an online invoice for the Consultation.

The Acupuncture

When you come for your acupuncture appointment, it will be pared down to the basic essentials and the treatment will be based in principle on this previous conversation or on our ongoing communication if you are signed up to my Fertility Mentoring Service. This will significantly reduce the amount of time we will need to share air space.

Acupuncture Appointment Guidance

  • Please arrive on time Your appointment slot will finish 30 minutes after it starts to allow time for cleaning and airing prior to the next appointment.

  • Please try not arrive early I am trying to reduce the number of people on the premises at any time.

  • Please bring your own mask You will need to wear a mask or a thin scarf over your nose and mouth during treatment.

  • The couch will be cleaned between clients, but no couch covers will be in use. If you would like to, you can bring a clean sheet or towel to lie on.

  • Please wash your hands on arrival You may use alcohol gel or wash your hands in a sink.

  • I will briefly check your pulses, then gently place the needles. I will be wearing a mask, gloves, a clinic coat and a disposable apron.

  • Once the needles are in situ, I will wait outside the room. This is to minimise the time we spend in a small room together.

  • You will receive an online invoice prior to your appointment. This reduces the need to handle any cash or touch anything, and means we don't have to waste time sorting out the payment.

NEW RULE: You Need To Have A Consultation Prior To Acupuncture There is no time within the acupuncture appointment for a full consultation. The only exception to this rule is for clients who are signed up to my ongoing Fertility Mentoring Service which offers continuous email support. For these clients, I should already know their signs, symptoms and chart information, so we may not need to have a virtual consultation.

NEW OPTION: You Can Have A Consultation Without Having Acupuncture

This new way of working allows me much more flexibility with regard to my consultations. You can book ad hoc consultations with me without following on with acupuncture if you are looking for support, guidance and information but cannot practically attend for acupuncture.

NEW SERVICE: You Can Sign Up For My Fertility Mentoring Service

Alternatively, you can sign up for my monthly Fertility Mentoring Service which offers ongoing email support. I can offer feedback, guidance and information based on your BBT chart and hormonal signs and symptoms etc. If blood tests are required, I will advice you where and how to get them, and help you to interpret the results. At any point you can book an additional ad hoc Virtual Consultation or an Acupuncture Treatment as I will already be fully up to date with your situation.

Does This System Work

YES! I have returned to work for 'urgent cases', and return to full, careful practice in July.

A client came for a treatment on Saturday which was my first opportunity to experience working this way in clinic - from a practitioner perspective, the new system felt really, really good.

For example:

  • She started Fertility Mentoring with me during lockdown.

  • We organised some blood tests to check things that had not been ruled out.

  • My client sent me through blood results and her BBT chart, which threw up some interesting information.

  • Her IVF clinic has reopened and her cycle was about to start so she wanted to start acupuncture urgently.

  • We had a good phone consultation the evening before, to go through a few things in more detail.

  • When it came to the acupuncture session, it was really useful to have all the pertinent information beforehand and I was able to construct a great treatment,

  • She left my clinic looking suitably relaxed as she floated out the door. She has a plan of action and knows what conversations she needs to have with her IVF clinic.

If you would like to find out more about how I work, book a Free Mini-Consultation with me to discuss your situation, or send me an email to

Kind regards


Alexandra O'Connor LicAc MBAcC

Fertility Acupuncture Specialist & Fertility Mentor

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